
Academic and Scientific informetric Group

This group focuses on academic and scientific informetrics, and her missions includes developing effective methods and tools, discovering novel observation perspectives, publishing academic performance ranking, tracking and integrating international trends and topics, conducting scholarly seminars and conferences, and promoting collaboration with other research institutes.

Industry and Technology Informetric Group

This group has her emphasis on industry and technology informetrics. Her objectives are the test, evaluation, incorporation, and development of new and effective analytic method, tools, and data sources, and also includes the publication of industry innovation report, incorporating international experience, conducting industrial seminars, and cooperating with similar data analytical organization.

Government/Industry/Academia Service Group

Based on the know-how, analytical capability, and research capacity of CSTI, this group functions as a think tank to government/industry/academia by undertaking, planning, and executing various projects in assisting government agencies in the planning, evaluation, and management of S&T policies, and providing analytical and investigative services to enterprises and institutes.

Education and Training Group

This group is responsible for the planning, execution, and assessment of a series of introductory to advanced S&T informetric courses for cultivating government/industry/academia personnel in extracting, analyzing, and applying S&T data, so as to enhance the quality of their policy, R&D, and management decisions in response to the fierce global competition.